



Cogentech welcomes Beatriz Naranjo Martínez in the framework of the STRIKE project in the R&D laboratory in Catania. As an early stage researcher, she will focus on the development of magnetic bead-based purification of biomarkers from liquid biopsies for the early detection of cancer in BRCA+ subjects.

ISO 9001 Extension


A summer under the sign of Quality in Cogentech laboratories!
Happy to share the pride of not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 novelties on the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Certification front, confirming a high quality standard of our Benefit Society:

For the Milan office, all fields of application UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 Certification have been renewed, namely:

  • "Development and delivery of laboratory medicine service specialized in medical genetics" for the Cancer Genetic Test Lab;
  • "Development and delivery of post-genomics services for biomedical research" for Facilities at the Milan site;
  • "Design and delivery of training courses for the qualification and technical scientific updating of researchers, professionals and specialists."

For the Cogentech Unit in Catania with a focus on the development of Liquid Biopsy approaches for clinical management of cancer, the scope extension

  • "Development and delivery of post-genomics services for biomedical research" was obtained.

Dear Customers and Suppliers,
We would like to inform you that as of January 1, 2023, the merger between TTFactor and Cogentech Società Benefit a r.l. has been completed.
As a result of this merger, we hereby inform you that Cogentech has fully absorbed the operations of TTFactor. Therefore, we would like to communicate that all matters related to technology transfer activities should now be directed to the Technology Transfer Office of IFOM (IFOM TTO) at the following address:

IFOM ETS, AIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology
Technology Transfer Office (IFOM TTO)
Via Adamello, 16
20139 Milan (MI)

Specifically, email communications should be sent to the following address: tto-team[@]
We would like to express our gratitude for the trust and support you have bestowed upon us over the years, and we look forward to continuing our productive collaboration in the future.
Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Cogentech SRL Benefit is pleased to announce that it has officially obtained, for its diagnostic laboratory (CGT Lab), the reclassification of accreditation with The National Health Service (SSN) with registration in the Regional Register of Accredited Facilities on 04/07/2023 Prot. No. 118849/23 as "Specialist Laboratory of Medical Genetics in the Molecular Genetics area".

The kick-off-meeting of the EU-funded STRIKE (MSCA-DN) project took place from 27-28 January 2023 in Taormina. The project Magnetic nanomaterials to strike malignant tumors is aims to tackle malignant tumors from nano medicine to theranostic to precision medicine. The network involves 8 private and public European institutes that will host doctoral students working on these ambitious projects.


ISO 9001

In June 2022, Cogentech, as part of the Maintenance Visit of the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 Certification, extended the Standard's Scope of Application to Training provided (sector 37). The certificate now includes the design and delivery of training courses for the qualification and technical-scientific updating of researchers, professionals and specialists.
L'obiettivo era che la formazione erogata fosse non solo efficace e tracciata, ma, soprattutto, di Qualità.
The objective was that the training provided should not only be effective and tracked, but, above all, of Quality.
Cogentech, as a Benefit Company, has always been aware that TRAINING, and therefore the transfer of SKILLS, is a strategic element with positive effects not only on the individual and the group to which he or she belongs, but also on the Community. For this reason, taking advantage of the already excellent and proven experience in the field of the Mouse Genetics Service, Cogentech has started the path leading to ISO 9001:2015 certification for the Training process.
Once this has been achieved, we are considering taking the path to becoming a CME provider in the future.
For more information, see the 2021 Impact Report or contact quality-cogentech[@]

expolab 22

Cogentech Catania Branch attended EXPOlab 2022 to bring the work of a group of young researchers involved in the BiLiGeCT project, in the field of early detection and follow up of ovarian and breast cancer patients.
This event took place at the Biological Tower of the University of Catania on 21, 22 and 23 September 2022 ( Maria Carmela Di Rosa, iAlessandro Gulino and Domenico Scionti from our team were invited as speakers on 22 September to talk about the activities carried out in our laboratories, the innovative techniques and advanced technologies with which the team is facing the scientific reality in Sicily.
In the HIGH THROUGHHPUT SCREENING AND EPIGENETICS session of SmartBiotech 2022, Di Rosa gave a presentation entitled 'Evolution of Methods for the Identification of Methylation Profiles' on new approaches for studying methylation profiles from liquid biopsy.
In the CLINICAL EXPERIMENTAL ONCOLOGY session at SmartBiotech 2022, Scionti spoke about molecular biology techniques for the diagnosis and clinical follow-up of ovarian and breast cancer patients (presentation 'Diagnosis and Clinical Follow-Up of Breast and Ovarian Cancers by Molecular Biology Techniques').
In the session THE MOLECOLAR DIAGNOSTICS IN PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY: IMAGING AND LIQUID BIOPSY at SmartLab 2022, Gulino's talk was on a new strategy for tumour diagnostics: laser microdissection (presentation 'Laser Capture Microdissection: a New Strategy in Tumor Diagnostics').

Audit Accredia 2022

In June 2022, following the Accredia audit, Cogentech's CGT Lab confirmed the maintenance of accreditation 15189.
UNI EN ISO 15189 ('Medical laboratories - Particular requirements concerning quality and competence') is a technical standard that establishes competence requirements and quality standards for medical laboratories.
Since it is not a law, its adoption by a laboratory takes place on a voluntary basis, with the aim of guaranteeing the patient maximum control over processes, the presence of adequate infrastructures and technological platforms, in-depth preparation of staff, and last but not least, the transparency and legibility of the results of analyses performed.
All with a view to continuous improvement.
The CGT Lab was, in 2019, the 15th Italian laboratory to be accredited with 15189.
Since then, the Scope of Application has been gradually extended to include all examinations performed by CGT Lab.
For more information, see the Service Charter or contact the CGT Lab: gtic-service[@]

Impact Report 2021


Relazione di Impatto 2021

Cogentech srl's Impact Report has been published again this year, the third since it became a Benefit Company.
In the document, subjected to limited assurance by PWC, are collected and described the goals achieved in the Scientific-Technological and Organisational fields in 2021 and those we aim to achieve within the current year.
The Objectives achieved have an immediate impact on all Stakeholders: the Medical-Scientific Community, Patients, Employees, the Environment and the Community at large.
The intense scientific production and the maintenance of a mature and proven Quality Management System were also highlighted.
For anyone wishing to view the extensive document, it can be viewed on the Cogentech website.