Thanks to the expertise developed in conjunction with major international research centers such as the IFOM and IEO, Cogentech is able to provide cutting-edge technology services. Our team will closely work with you providing assistance throughout the entire process of the research project.
Commitment to quality and innovation, comprehensive solutions, customer centered, high quality ISO9001
DNA Sanger Sequencing ISO9001
We use automated Dye-Terminator Sequencing (Sanger Sequencing) to provide long high quality reads from the most various DNA templates. In more than 10 years we have provided service to support hundreds of basic and translational research projects. In addition, we participate in the diagnostic activity of the CGT lab.
Genomic Unit - Microarray ISO9001
We perform gene expression profiling on total RNA, miRNA, mRNA from cells or tissues from human, mouse, rat and other species.
We perform genomic analysis on human samples for molecular karyotyping, copy number variation or genotyping, using high density Affymetrix® microarrays.
Genomic Unit - NGS ISO9001
The Genomic Unit of Cogentech has 15-years of experience in Next Generation Sequencing applications and offers its know-how to support your research projects. We are equipped with state-of-the-art platforms and provide complete support for a range of applications including standard RNA sequencing, ChIP-seq, Whole-Exome Sequencing, deep sequencing of target regions and advanced single-cell-omics or spatial transcriptomics–based approaches. Our laboratory is experienced in supporting Clinical Trials.
Histopathology ISO9001
Our mission is to provide a high quality service for the evaluation and characterization of normal and pathological tissues from any kind of experimental model system.
Optimization of protocols for new stains or biological specimen.
Integrated Genomics Unit ISO9001
The Integrated Genomics Facility consists of three state-of-the-art units: NGS Sequencing, Histopathology and Bioinformatics and represents a new scientific reality in southern Italy in the field of molecular diagnostics in oncology.
Mouse genetics ISO9001
The mission of the Mouse Genetics Service is to provide a state of the art environment for research with laboratory mice.
Proteomics & Metabolomics
The Proteomics and Metabolomics unit provides a full infrastructure for the identification, characterization and quantification of proteins, metabolites and lipids. The unit includes several instrumental platforms for the separation of those molecules starting from simple or complex samples. The proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics analysis rely on state-of-the art mass spectrometry coupled with liquid chromatography (LC-MS/MS).
Quantitative PCR ISO9001
Quantitative analysis of any specific target sequence for gene expression, copy number variation or variant analysis, in low and high-throughput mode.
Real time QPCR and digital PCR.
Special protocols for small amounts of starting material.
Cogentech S.R.L. Società Benefit a Socio Unico soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento di IFOM - Istituto Fondazione di Oncologia Molecolare ETS
Registered Office: via Adamello 16, 20139 Milan, Italy – Fully paid up share Capital 1.100.000 €
Local Unit: c/o Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico della Sicilia S.c.p.a. - Z.I. Blocco Palma I, Stradale V. Lancia, 57 - 95121 Catania
Tax Code, VAT and Milano, Monza, Brianza and Lodi Chamber of Commerce Register n. 04641450962 - R.E.A. MI-1763886